Before doing this (drawing a line on the statements; in order to affirm that the statement, is wrong), I was a little scared, because this statement is not of any ordinary person but of Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of my country. …who knows, the government will not impose NSA on me or will not charge me under an Act, which would be saying, speaking against… is opposed to public order or it may be the implied meaning of any of any proviso. Moreover, I am not good in law. But the very moment I saw the title of my blog page, I immediately drew it…
Kalamji questioned, "why is the media here (in India) so negative? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why? We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat and the second largest producer of rice."
But let me tell you one thing, yes! we are first in milk
production but here the children didn’t get it, even, rice water to fill his little belly! I agree we are number one in Remote sensing satellites, but even today the children in this country, run outside to see an aeroplane. When statistics is saying, we have to agree, we are the second largest producer of wheat and rice. But see the Kalahandi district in Orissa, Starvation deaths lurk everywhere: the government, which always receives the minimal figures in any incidents, also has received 61 starvation death cases. To escape hunger, thousands are migrating to almost every part of the country. Can you say, Orissa is not a part of that India, about which you are talking now? “In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. We often question, why are we so NEGATIVE?” But my dear it is not the fault of Media but the government and the so called citizen like you and me. When our brothers and sisters are dying, we even, don’t want to get this news, because our morning goes bad after getting this news in the front page.

My friends! “Slumdogs” is the reality. As Dipankar Gupta, will says, one winsome smile, one cruel swipe, a suckling child, a leery gang lord can break your heart and smash your face. But Guptaji, perhaps is not aware that, today our heart is dead and became a mere lump of flesh, devoid of feelings. Today, our feelings feeble and our selfish interests had made us inept of seeing the truth.
“Open your eyes and see millions of people dying of hunger in slums and huts dirtier than the grim dungeons of prisons; just see the labourers patiently or say apathetically while the rich vampires suck their blood; bring to mind the wastage of human energy that will make a man with a little common sense shiver in horror…” This is what Bhagat Singh said, in 1930s. You may say, it is of 70+ years and some months and days older statement. We are now in 21st century. Yah agreed! My friends! You might have changed with the numbers (20- 21), but the lives
of my people in this country are still hard and brittle. Indira Avas has not saved them from Lord Indra. Rozar Yojana has not worked for them. The govt. machinery is against them. Children in this country are going to school for meal...endless list. This is the hard reality of that country of which Kalam, was the first citizen. So, let me tell him, “Mr.Kalam! you was utterly wrong when you said, “We are no longer a developing nation but one of them.” We have Miles to go! I am sure we will listen, this wordings again off course not from you but any other person...

1 Response to Mr. Kalam! you are wrong...
quite realistic ,but sometimes truth is not what we see...
the govt. offers houses to the slumdwellers but they give their houses on rent and build another so called slum
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