Tuesday, April 14, 2009

disagreement with Mr. M. J. Akbar

Today after a heavy lunch, when I was siting in the library, my friend brought a book of M J Akbar, the BYLINE. Usually I like the writings of M J Akbar in Times of India. So, I immediately took that one from him. I have a different style of reading a book. I never go to the first page to begin with. I start reading from there, which comes just by opening it randomly. Fortunately or unfortunately the page which came by the very first opening was titled with “Is Atal Behari Vajpayee a Hindu?” It was a marvelous piece by him. After going through it I turned both the next and the previous page. The writing preceeding to that, was similar to the writing what I have already gone through. It was titled as “Was Jawaharlal Nehru a Hindu?” I became more anxious to go through it. That was also a good piece. So, after returning home, I was in search of that book in the internet. But I stopped at an article…

Don’t take the Indian voters’ silence lightly; M J Akbar started his writing with these few words. In that article Akbarji has narrated Indian voters like most intelligent, both responsive and responsible citizens. After going through, I was astonished, is that M J Akbar, is writing this? whom I believed as have really understood the blood of Indians. He goes to the extent of saying
“Never confuse the Indian voter’s temporary maun vrat with the silence of the lambs. This is the silence of tigers, as they pad noiselessly towards their quarry, shattering the air of the jungle only once, with a roar with the final leap towards the prey. When tigers feed only once in five years, the casualty rate can be terrifying.”
But I will say you, the people of this country are neither responsive nor responsible. 60 years of time is not a less time. The country which started its journey with starvation is standing today with the same problem but with different form. Maowadi, Naxalwadi and many other wadis is the reality of today’s India. NDA may say it as “India Shining” and UPA may term it as “Bharat Buland”. This is nothing but due to the so called silent voters, who never raise voice.
Democracy is all about choice. But in this democratic country, people did not know how to choose. Sometimes they go by sympathy, sometimes by gender biasness, sometimes with communal brigades, and sometimes with so called Dalit leaders.
Election is ahead. Now Congress has something to do with Aam Admi, and BJP has something do regarding Ram Temple and Ram Sethu. Apart from this Rightist, there is someone in Left (the Lal Janda wala) which has many things to do for the bourgeoisie and proletariat. I have nothing to say regarding the third fonts, which is considered by Advaniji as Jantake Monabhav ke sath kilwad (playing with the people).
People in this country voted Rajiv Gandhi on sympathy, and as Prof. Mustafa, the great constitutionalist of this country, used to say, people in this country are still voting for Madam Gandhi, when she has passed away more than two decades ago. The first ignorance, which the people of India have shown is when they voted for Muslim League to purify this land from British. When this is the level of understanding, how can you say the people are silent today and they will speak on the ballot paper tomorrow? When people are ready to go with Muslim League, Ram Sena, this Sena and that Sena, how can one say the voters of this country are mature enough to make a good choice? When minority of this nation votes for the party, which is favouring them, just to create vote bank, how can one say about democracy? When people are incapable of making difference and making decisions, thousands time saying voters are tigers (Sovereign) and they will respond intelligibly may not help.
The politicians know very well, at the end of 5 years, people will never recall the performance of last govt. No one has the time to record the performance also, in daily dairy. And the politicians are very much sure also that the Re 1 rice will determine the fate at the end of the day. In this situation, if you say voters are mature and pressing the button of ballot machine is the expression of intelligence, sensitivity and understandings, then I will ask “are you crazy?”

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