Let me start with a story first,
A child of 4 yrs was going to a Gramin Mela (village fair) with his father. Ramp of different stuffs in the both sides.. Those appealed Little master a lot... He wanted those things to assure, hold, and play. But as all fathers do… “No” and then a full stop.
Little master: Papa, chocolate
Papa gave him.
Little master: Papa, this toy
Papa purchased it for him.
Little master: Papa, that one for little sis
Papa: We will buy while returning
Little master: Papa, video game
Papa: No beta
Little master: Papa, this little car
Papa: we will…
Little master: Papa, chat
Papa: Not now
Little master: Papa, dress and a shoe
Papa: tomorrow, when we will come again we will…
Little master: Papa, this glass, my friend have like this, ditto
Papa: You have already one na..
Little master: Papa, this, that…..
Papa: No. No.. and No…
Little master demanded all this within 15 min. or so; but his poor Papa also have to care for his wallet. After sometimes little master stopped saying Papa…
All his happiness started ‘hibernating’ and little master is now in ‘stand by’ mode. No grin. Little tongue stoped demanding… He started thinking in silence.. Could able to understand the teachings of Lord Buddha, “The world is full of sorrow.” How cruel my Papa, is? He never takes care of me… he never loves me… he never…. Mean time there is sudden rush and little master losses his cruel papa's little finger. The man who was walking behind and listening the demands and a statement of ‘non acceptance’ from Papa found Little Master. Little master understood the guilty intension of that Man in his own way..
The man started offering: beta, you wanted this na.. you want that na..
Come I will give you. I love you. I will take care of you. I can purchase everything for you.
Little Master should be happy
But now he is not ready……….
Papa, my Papa…he cried and shouted, “I don’t want anything, I don’t want anything, I want my PAPA, papa…my papa.”
Intension of the blogger was not to say you this senseless story but sth else. A Sovereign and independent country, and we are in... Rights conscious, we are. Chotte chotte baaton ko leke sadak mein beth jaana hamara aadat hai..While reading Article 12 of the Constitution of India, Professors preaches, “the State is in the best position to violate the fundamental rights of ours”- that State. But my friend I will tell you, State is in best position to violate but it is in best position to protect you also. There are people in this country who consider 15th August, merely as a holiday- a day to sleep up to 9, a day to roam around, a day to go for shopping, a day to do everything else. They even forget that, outside there is flag hoisting celebration going on and a country is today to see him under her flag. Can't a country expect this also???
Myself is no exception. Today for the first time, I didnt sung my National Anthem before my National Flag. At 7:20 when there is a celebration going on in my school, I was with my pillow. I didn’t go KIIT, to celebrate the same in my colony. But when I went, no one was waiting for me... I saw from a distant the “tri colour” is flying. I felt guilty. I stood there and sang Jana Gana Mana… in a loud voice. I recalled my nursery days in St. James Convent School, I recalled my days in SS/VM and in B.J.B., I recalled the last year celebration in KIIT. I recalled the days when I was commanding a troop of Bharat Scouts and Guides in State Parade. I recalled.. and recalled all the experience of my father which he used to say, when he was in Air Force at Leh and Ladhakh in Jammu & Kashmir.
I returned home and downloaded videos of flag hoisting and sang my National Anthem again. What a pleasure..seriously! A feeling of patriotism overwhelmed me, as I celebrated India's 63rd Independence Day before my laptop. But I remained upset full day. I felt guilty of committing a sin. When Khudiram Bose, could able to die for this country, I could not able to… I could not able to link my sadness with any moments of the history. But at last…the 1947th page of countrys' history book, when my country was divided on the basis of Islamic Pakistan and Secularist Indian. What the basis, it was really! Neither reasonable classification nor with intelligible differentia…
On the eve of Independence Day on 1947, Nehru gave one of the greatest speeches of all time, which stirred a nation.
“Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem
our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight
hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which
comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and
when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.”
our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight
hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which
comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and
when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.”
But who know why this country was awaking that mid night???- for life and freedom or for death and division.
..blood flows on the street,
A wave of tears is looming
On the name of religion!
In that land where not for one or two decades,
For thousands and thousands years
People of diverse culture were on the stage of fraternity.
...Thousands of religious hostilities!
How brute the people can turn into?
Vicious alike at the instigation of any evil spirit.
A wave of tears is looming
On the name of religion!
In that land where not for one or two decades,
For thousands and thousands years
People of diverse culture were on the stage of fraternity.
...Thousands of religious hostilities!
How brute the people can turn into?
Vicious alike at the instigation of any evil spirit.
How this violence took the brutal form and pushed our nation
Towards dread, uncertainty and bloodshed.
My nation was smeared with blood and was divided, that day.
(Source: My poem criminalisation of Religion)
Towards dread, uncertainty and bloodshed.
My nation was smeared with blood and was divided, that day.
(Source: My poem criminalisation of Religion)
The time has come to roll back the history. To call back the picture of “Akhand Bharat”, what Aravinda Ghosh, Gandhi had envisioned… To recall the pages of that divesting history when my country was divided…
After the death of Hajrat Mohd., the kingdom of Saalya (previously known as Aaryahan) became Iran, on 644 AD. Up to 375 BC, Afganistan (Upaganastan, previously known as Gandhar) was the part of Hindustan. It was parted from India in 1903. In 1878 the Kethan area, mixed with China. As the result of the conspiracy of British, Sri Lanka (previously known as Singala) was alienated in 1911. In 1825, 1932, Champadesh (South Vietnam), Brahmadesh (Myanmar) was separated. In 4th July, 1940, Philippines became independent State. In the midnight of 14th August, 1947, Pakistan became independent and attacked Kashmir in 22nd October and took 40% of Kashmir i.e. 78,114 sq. km. In 5th August 1949, Bhutan (previously known as Madradesh) became independent. In 1950, China acquired Tibet (previously known as Tribistaka). In 1952 to 1962, China acquired 38, 000 sq. km. of Axai Chin, Ladhak. In 1960 Pt. Nehru gave the Birubadi area of West Bengal to Pakistan. Again in 1965, Pakistan attacked and acquired 500 miles. In 1947, Bangladesh was alienated and became independent in 1972. Kaccha and Tibu were given to Sri Lanka in 1973 and in 1985-86; Mosher Island was given to Bangladesh. Nepal became independent.
I doubt, was India, celebrating happiness because Lahore, where Bhagat Singh with his fellow comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev was hanged is now not part of India? Was India in a mood of joy because the birth place of Bhai Bal Mukand, Lala Pindi Das, Lala Jagat Narain, Kartar Singh Jhabbar (village Kariala, Vaniawaal, Wazirabad, Jhabian respectively) is in Pakistan now. Was Indian standing that day under the tri colour to bring sun set in the Imperialist regime or to see how the English men are deciding their fate by imposing the poison between brothers?
Once Yahudi, after being expelled from own land can come together after 1800 years. East and West Germany can come closer. Why not India? Why not Akhand Bharat??
Sabki aankhon mein Ekk hi Sapna, Akhand Banega Bharat Apna…
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