When I signed in to preview my email at swainsatyaranjan@yahoo.com, I found a mail from Mrs. Medha Patkar, an admired social activist, former Commissioner to the World Commission on Dams. The mail was titled as Three Day Bal Mela of Thousands of Children Culminates in the Narmada Valley. On Friday, 16 January, 2009, I had received an invitation mail from NBA to that Bal Mela. But unfortunately I could not able to go. By the way after getting this mail, I suddenly decided to write a few lines about my internship in “Narmada Bachao Andolon” (NBA).
I along with my six colleagues reached “Bhadwani” (MP), where the NBA office located on the dazzling morning of 17th May 2008 with a new vigor and energy for intern. I chose to do my intern with this because I am very much fascinated in movement or institution which concerns to the interest of the tribal and the poor at large. The main objective of my intern is to erect an understanding on people’s movement and develop my own understanding taking both the sides i.e. the people and the State, into consideration and to enlarge the horizon of knowledge from the simple approach to a more complex understanding of violent systems, the perpetuation of these systems by narrow political tactics.
The media bequeath the happenings outside the four walls of our house. But sometimes it conveys the news in such a way that people get the completely negative image unlike me about NBA. I learned from the society where I live in, that the activist and the supporters of the Andolon are anti nationalists and against the development of the country. But after going to NBA, I could able to know that nothing could be more devastating to the nation than permitting the narrow minded politicians to live and rule in this country and oppose NBA. The politicians want to defame and create a false depiction of the Andolon so that the barriers in the process of corruption will be out for the days to come. What not narrow politics do??? The soot in my mind has gone.
The main issue for which NBA stands before the govt. is the "Rehabilitation and Resettlement"- (R&R) of the displaced and affected people. According to the Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal (NWDT), every project-affected family (PAF) should be given land one year prior to the submergence of their land and be rehabilitated completely. But the govt. ignores it like anything.
In the evening we went to Pichodi, where we met Hari Bhai and others who enlighten us with their experience of many years. The statement of Hari Bhai is mentionable here. “The nature has given us everything. There is nothing to be done more. Govt. should sit ideally because nothing more is to be done but the govt. is destroying and devastating the grants what nature has given us and…”
For the next two days, we had gone to many villages like Baguda, Kundia, Pipri, Piplipat, Chota Borda, Burlai, Sagaon and other where we could able to know a lot of things about the submergence areas. There I have to admit that all this was partly the result of extraordinary crafty tactics on the part of the govt. on the one hand, and obvious official stupidity or naïvete on the other hand.
On 21st to 22nd May, we have attended a press consultancy of the media persons across the country. It was a two days consultancy held in Babangaja. It was in the memorial of the lt. Sanjay Sangbhai, who was not only a journalist but also a ground level activist, writer and litterateur. He was the most effective intervener and strategiser in the present world of corrupt politics, corporatisied economy and increasingly consumerist society and a man of vision, strategy for transformation, culture and ethics, whose commitment were not merely verbalized but practiced. Mr. Amit Prakash and Mr. Chinmaya Mishra were the main attraction of that consultancy. Mr. Kurian, Mr. Himansu, Mr. Robin, Mr. Santanu Mayur, Dr. Saheb, Mr. Shriprakash, Mr. Devesh, Ms. Chitrangada, Ms. Namita, Ms. Bhumika and others were also present in the consultancy. All the invited persons are welcomed by the villagers of Pipri. There held a detail discussion about the Development Paradigm, People’s Movement and the media. The inaugural session was with a struggle song by the people, which adds a great spirit within me. Mr. Chinmay Mishra gave the welcome address. Mr. Amit Prakashji and Ms. Medhaji gave a light about the theme of the development, media and movements. In the 2nd session of that very day, there was a brief discussion about development and displacement, land acquisition, rehabilitation and other laws related to the issue of displacement. On the 3rd session the major discussion was about the privatization of water, water management, Big Dams and other alternatives by the Manthon Team. In that discussion the Hon’ble speaker gave a glance over the privatization of water and the Water ATM or the Pre-paid water metre, which is now used in South Africa. The stage agreed in the same point that it is the most stupid idea of the age. The most important thing which Ms. Medhaji brought to the fore front is that Gujurat is using only 6.5% of the total generation of the water. She criticized the govt. plan of sending water to Rajastan in a strong voice. She compared it with the transferring of capital of Md. Toglak. As the people dies before reaching the capital, similarly the water will die up before reaching there and its not the joke but the reality. In the 4th session there was detail discussion about the Narmada Valley and the SSP project.
People’s movement and the role of media was the topic of discussion on the 6th session, which was held in the very next day i.e. in 22.05.08. In the 7th session the discussion was regarding the media in the present scenario. In the last but not the least there held a very important discussion what can media do? In the another session of the day Ms. Bhumika gave a glance of reality how the editors emphasize on TG (targeted group) and reject the news relating to the social issues. On that day we went to partee, where there was a great breach in medical service.
On the very next day we went to “Bhadal”, a village in the state of Maharastra, which is very far from peoples’ reach. It was a completely a different experience where we had to cross the river to reach over there. During our travelling Medhaji told many things related to dam. There the people and the little school children welcome us in a very fabulous manner. Today I could also recall their slogan “paper wala, kaida wala (they were calling us Kaida wala, as we are the student of law) kudin chha, media wala ….aamra chha and the song of indore wala jaldi aao…cycle chadhi..The environment was a heroic one with the slogan of aamu akha.. eka se by Medhaji. In that programme people shared their experience how the govt. officials drove them in the night, when the river was rising, like anything. The people over there didn’t get any land for their land which was submerged and been made victim for the next generation to come. From this it is very much clear that Victimization is not completely only a North American phenomenon but also in India where the constitution commands for, as Beacon said, Greatest happiness of greatest number. Ms. Medhaji is also running a primary school named Jivaansala, which is building the generation both by educating them and making them aware about their rights (“Jeevanshala Ki Kya Hai Baath…Ladai Padai Sath Sath” (The fact about Jeevanshala is that Struggle and Study goes together), and “Bacha Bacha
Seekhegaa – Andolan Chalayegaa” (Each child will learn and participate in
the Andolan).
On 24th May, I went to RTI office with Ashishji for inspection. There I could able to know a lot of things from Ashishji and others which might not be possible by going through the heavy text materials regarding RTI. After that I went to Mr. Goha, who is the Rehabilitation officer of Thikri Tehsil. I had a brief talk with him about different policies of rehabilitation and others. Some of my friends on that day went to “Piplud” with Medhaji.
In Sagaon, we stayed in Hukum Bhai’s house for two days and done the survey of the village. We have also done the survey of those people who are denied of rights of getting land for land and whose major sons are not given the land, showing “encroacher” as the reason. At night after our dinner, Hukum Bhai told a lot of things from both history and mythology about the Narmada River and the Narmada civilization. He told us about the “Sulpaneswar Shiva Temple”, where Markanda Rishi worshipped Lord and in that place Lord Himself had washed His Trident, bloodshed by killing one devil. This temple has already submerged by the dam water. He also told us that the skeleton of the man of primitive was found in the Narmada valley and the Narmada civilization is the 1st civilization. He further added that 1st agriculture was done in “Chikalda”, which is in the Narmada valley. Hukum Bhai is also a supporter of the Andolan.
I with one of my friend had attended a meeting, held in Bodhwada, with Ashishji. The SDJM and the SDOP were the chief quest of that meeting. The meeting was to consult the villagers regarding the replacement of the “Budheswar Mahadev temple”, because we are in the so called State of DEMOCRACY, where public opinion is given prime importance. That was the temple of 12th century. It is also believed that this Lord is discovered from the land and there is a cave under that temple. The Lord is also called “Deaopat Ling” by the villagers. The meeting will be memorable one because I have never seen such type of govt. officials before. “…I am not bound to answer each and every question” said the esteemed officer. So, I directly told him that as a govt. official you are accountable and answerable. “….we can’t, you can go to the upper officials.” On the reply, I told him that if it is the system directly to go to the upper levels then why are you?? After the meeting I requested him to answer some question. But the SDOP, Mr. J. Darore, sharply denied, stating that it is his choice. Then I told him that from the date you sit in the public office, your life is no longer private.
This is democracy or demoncracy!
After Sagaon, on 28th May, we went to Machalia, which is in Nanpur. We and the students of Solapur, went there with Kamal Bhai. The Jobat planning is also called Sahid Chandrasekhar Azad Planning. Among one of the affected thirteen villages i.e. Umada, every facilities for rehabilitation has been made but they are not provided those facilities. One of the interesting as well as regretful incident I came across was that a cheque of a Project affected man was issued in another’s name. So, he is going to the bank each and every day from 10-5pm to deliver the cheque. It was told that 9000 hectar of land will be irrigated but it has not yet done even after the completion of the project. In this village we stayed for a day. But this was a pathetic experience. There were no facilities available. We slept outside like in Sagaon. But… a hot day with… (“…” not to remember bad experience. )
Bhawaria is a very beautiful village. That will submerge in 138m height of the dam. The survey is not conducted in that village. A large no. of people have received only 1st installment and could not able to purchase the land. So, they could not able to get the 2nd installment. There was the large nos. of case related to forgery registration and ex partee allotment.
My self with one of my friend went to Nisharpur to do a survey regarding the Special Rehabilitation Package. There we stayed in one of the activists of NBA. The daughter in law of that activist uncle was very hospitable. For the first time in that long month, I got good food just like prepared by my mother. But the people in that village were very uncooperative. We could not able to complete the survey. One of them tried a lot to convenience the people. But all his labour was in vain. We have to return without completing the survey.
I and my friends with Wilson, a student of Tamil Nadu, went to Baroda, on 11th June from Barwani to attend the public meeting & press conference which was to be held in Kevadiya near to the dam site. Kevadiya is a village about 100 km. from Baroda and the Sardar Sarovar Dam is just 8km from the village. There the govt. has taken 1700 acres of lands of the villagers for construction of dam but 1400acres are not of any use. So, it is constructing its own buildings, quest houses, restaurants etc. But the people over there were in relay hunger strike for the last nine months in protest of it. The govt. is not listening anything. Medhaji joined with them and make the official to accept the grievance of the people and the official promised to return the land of the villagers within a month. The people went for a rally after that and I with some of my friends return to Baroda with Medhaji. The returning trip was the interesting one. The DSP with police came and stopped us to go to Baroda because the collector and the SP have told that there is danger to Medhaji’s life. After the long time the police allowed us to go further and accompanied us up to the station. They also came with us after leaving Medhaji in the station. They compel us to give all our details, took our photos and accompanied us to the border of Gujurat. This was our last visit to the villages, which will be memorable for the days to come…
Nothing left to say more than saying that what is going on over there in the name of development is not right… if devastating the brilliantly settled village, snatching the smiles from those innocent faces, obliterating the natural world, spreading clamor amongst the people, sitting gently after pushing those lives into the whirlpool of water and violating the constitutional & fundamental rights is development. Then I will surely say NBA is against development. The soot which is in my mind about NBA disappears after coming here. May the people understand the movement in the right sense and give strength, support to lead the nation to the heights?
I along with my six colleagues reached “Bhadwani” (MP), where the NBA office located on the dazzling morning of 17th May 2008 with a new vigor and energy for intern. I chose to do my intern with this because I am very much fascinated in movement or institution which concerns to the interest of the tribal and the poor at large. The main objective of my intern is to erect an understanding on people’s movement and develop my own understanding taking both the sides i.e. the people and the State, into consideration and to enlarge the horizon of knowledge from the simple approach to a more complex understanding of violent systems, the perpetuation of these systems by narrow political tactics.
The media bequeath the happenings outside the four walls of our house. But sometimes it conveys the news in such a way that people get the completely negative image unlike me about NBA. I learned from the society where I live in, that the activist and the supporters of the Andolon are anti nationalists and against the development of the country. But after going to NBA, I could able to know that nothing could be more devastating to the nation than permitting the narrow minded politicians to live and rule in this country and oppose NBA. The politicians want to defame and create a false depiction of the Andolon so that the barriers in the process of corruption will be out for the days to come. What not narrow politics do??? The soot in my mind has gone.
The main issue for which NBA stands before the govt. is the "Rehabilitation and Resettlement"- (R&R) of the displaced and affected people. According to the Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal (NWDT), every project-affected family (PAF) should be given land one year prior to the submergence of their land and be rehabilitated completely. But the govt. ignores it like anything.
In the evening we went to Pichodi, where we met Hari Bhai and others who enlighten us with their experience of many years. The statement of Hari Bhai is mentionable here. “The nature has given us everything. There is nothing to be done more. Govt. should sit ideally because nothing more is to be done but the govt. is destroying and devastating the grants what nature has given us and…”
For the next two days, we had gone to many villages like Baguda, Kundia, Pipri, Piplipat, Chota Borda, Burlai, Sagaon and other where we could able to know a lot of things about the submergence areas. There I have to admit that all this was partly the result of extraordinary crafty tactics on the part of the govt. on the one hand, and obvious official stupidity or naïvete on the other hand.
On 21st to 22nd May, we have attended a press consultancy of the media persons across the country. It was a two days consultancy held in Babangaja. It was in the memorial of the lt. Sanjay Sangbhai, who was not only a journalist but also a ground level activist, writer and litterateur. He was the most effective intervener and strategiser in the present world of corrupt politics, corporatisied economy and increasingly consumerist society and a man of vision, strategy for transformation, culture and ethics, whose commitment were not merely verbalized but practiced. Mr. Amit Prakash and Mr. Chinmaya Mishra were the main attraction of that consultancy. Mr. Kurian, Mr. Himansu, Mr. Robin, Mr. Santanu Mayur, Dr. Saheb, Mr. Shriprakash, Mr. Devesh, Ms. Chitrangada, Ms. Namita, Ms. Bhumika and others were also present in the consultancy. All the invited persons are welcomed by the villagers of Pipri. There held a detail discussion about the Development Paradigm, People’s Movement and the media. The inaugural session was with a struggle song by the people, which adds a great spirit within me. Mr. Chinmay Mishra gave the welcome address. Mr. Amit Prakashji and Ms. Medhaji gave a light about the theme of the development, media and movements. In the 2nd session of that very day, there was a brief discussion about development and displacement, land acquisition, rehabilitation and other laws related to the issue of displacement. On the 3rd session the major discussion was about the privatization of water, water management, Big Dams and other alternatives by the Manthon Team. In that discussion the Hon’ble speaker gave a glance over the privatization of water and the Water ATM or the Pre-paid water metre, which is now used in South Africa. The stage agreed in the same point that it is the most stupid idea of the age. The most important thing which Ms. Medhaji brought to the fore front is that Gujurat is using only 6.5% of the total generation of the water. She criticized the govt. plan of sending water to Rajastan in a strong voice. She compared it with the transferring of capital of Md. Toglak. As the people dies before reaching the capital, similarly the water will die up before reaching there and its not the joke but the reality. In the 4th session there was detail discussion about the Narmada Valley and the SSP project.
People’s movement and the role of media was the topic of discussion on the 6th session, which was held in the very next day i.e. in 22.05.08. In the 7th session the discussion was regarding the media in the present scenario. In the last but not the least there held a very important discussion what can media do? In the another session of the day Ms. Bhumika gave a glance of reality how the editors emphasize on TG (targeted group) and reject the news relating to the social issues. On that day we went to partee, where there was a great breach in medical service.
On the very next day we went to “Bhadal”, a village in the state of Maharastra, which is very far from peoples’ reach. It was a completely a different experience where we had to cross the river to reach over there. During our travelling Medhaji told many things related to dam. There the people and the little school children welcome us in a very fabulous manner. Today I could also recall their slogan “paper wala, kaida wala (they were calling us Kaida wala, as we are the student of law) kudin chha, media wala ….aamra chha and the song of indore wala jaldi aao…cycle chadhi..The environment was a heroic one with the slogan of aamu akha.. eka se by Medhaji. In that programme people shared their experience how the govt. officials drove them in the night, when the river was rising, like anything. The people over there didn’t get any land for their land which was submerged and been made victim for the next generation to come. From this it is very much clear that Victimization is not completely only a North American phenomenon but also in India where the constitution commands for, as Beacon said, Greatest happiness of greatest number. Ms. Medhaji is also running a primary school named Jivaansala, which is building the generation both by educating them and making them aware about their rights (“Jeevanshala Ki Kya Hai Baath…Ladai Padai Sath Sath” (The fact about Jeevanshala is that Struggle and Study goes together), and “Bacha Bacha
Seekhegaa – Andolan Chalayegaa” (Each child will learn and participate in
the Andolan).
On 24th May, I went to RTI office with Ashishji for inspection. There I could able to know a lot of things from Ashishji and others which might not be possible by going through the heavy text materials regarding RTI. After that I went to Mr. Goha, who is the Rehabilitation officer of Thikri Tehsil. I had a brief talk with him about different policies of rehabilitation and others. Some of my friends on that day went to “Piplud” with Medhaji.
In Sagaon, we stayed in Hukum Bhai’s house for two days and done the survey of the village. We have also done the survey of those people who are denied of rights of getting land for land and whose major sons are not given the land, showing “encroacher” as the reason. At night after our dinner, Hukum Bhai told a lot of things from both history and mythology about the Narmada River and the Narmada civilization. He told us about the “Sulpaneswar Shiva Temple”, where Markanda Rishi worshipped Lord and in that place Lord Himself had washed His Trident, bloodshed by killing one devil. This temple has already submerged by the dam water. He also told us that the skeleton of the man of primitive was found in the Narmada valley and the Narmada civilization is the 1st civilization. He further added that 1st agriculture was done in “Chikalda”, which is in the Narmada valley. Hukum Bhai is also a supporter of the Andolan.
I with one of my friend had attended a meeting, held in Bodhwada, with Ashishji. The SDJM and the SDOP were the chief quest of that meeting. The meeting was to consult the villagers regarding the replacement of the “Budheswar Mahadev temple”, because we are in the so called State of DEMOCRACY, where public opinion is given prime importance. That was the temple of 12th century. It is also believed that this Lord is discovered from the land and there is a cave under that temple. The Lord is also called “Deaopat Ling” by the villagers. The meeting will be memorable one because I have never seen such type of govt. officials before. “…I am not bound to answer each and every question” said the esteemed officer. So, I directly told him that as a govt. official you are accountable and answerable. “….we can’t, you can go to the upper officials.” On the reply, I told him that if it is the system directly to go to the upper levels then why are you?? After the meeting I requested him to answer some question. But the SDOP, Mr. J. Darore, sharply denied, stating that it is his choice. Then I told him that from the date you sit in the public office, your life is no longer private.
This is democracy or demoncracy!
After Sagaon, on 28th May, we went to Machalia, which is in Nanpur. We and the students of Solapur, went there with Kamal Bhai. The Jobat planning is also called Sahid Chandrasekhar Azad Planning. Among one of the affected thirteen villages i.e. Umada, every facilities for rehabilitation has been made but they are not provided those facilities. One of the interesting as well as regretful incident I came across was that a cheque of a Project affected man was issued in another’s name. So, he is going to the bank each and every day from 10-5pm to deliver the cheque. It was told that 9000 hectar of land will be irrigated but it has not yet done even after the completion of the project. In this village we stayed for a day. But this was a pathetic experience. There were no facilities available. We slept outside like in Sagaon. But… a hot day with… (“…” not to remember bad experience. )
Bhawaria is a very beautiful village. That will submerge in 138m height of the dam. The survey is not conducted in that village. A large no. of people have received only 1st installment and could not able to purchase the land. So, they could not able to get the 2nd installment. There was the large nos. of case related to forgery registration and ex partee allotment.
My self with one of my friend went to Nisharpur to do a survey regarding the Special Rehabilitation Package. There we stayed in one of the activists of NBA. The daughter in law of that activist uncle was very hospitable. For the first time in that long month, I got good food just like prepared by my mother. But the people in that village were very uncooperative. We could not able to complete the survey. One of them tried a lot to convenience the people. But all his labour was in vain. We have to return without completing the survey.
I and my friends with Wilson, a student of Tamil Nadu, went to Baroda, on 11th June from Barwani to attend the public meeting & press conference which was to be held in Kevadiya near to the dam site. Kevadiya is a village about 100 km. from Baroda and the Sardar Sarovar Dam is just 8km from the village. There the govt. has taken 1700 acres of lands of the villagers for construction of dam but 1400acres are not of any use. So, it is constructing its own buildings, quest houses, restaurants etc. But the people over there were in relay hunger strike for the last nine months in protest of it. The govt. is not listening anything. Medhaji joined with them and make the official to accept the grievance of the people and the official promised to return the land of the villagers within a month. The people went for a rally after that and I with some of my friends return to Baroda with Medhaji. The returning trip was the interesting one. The DSP with police came and stopped us to go to Baroda because the collector and the SP have told that there is danger to Medhaji’s life. After the long time the police allowed us to go further and accompanied us up to the station. They also came with us after leaving Medhaji in the station. They compel us to give all our details, took our photos and accompanied us to the border of Gujurat. This was our last visit to the villages, which will be memorable for the days to come…
Nothing left to say more than saying that what is going on over there in the name of development is not right… if devastating the brilliantly settled village, snatching the smiles from those innocent faces, obliterating the natural world, spreading clamor amongst the people, sitting gently after pushing those lives into the whirlpool of water and violating the constitutional & fundamental rights is development. Then I will surely say NBA is against development. The soot which is in my mind about NBA disappears after coming here. May the people understand the movement in the right sense and give strength, support to lead the nation to the heights?
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eye opener post
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